Sunday, October 15, 2006

Satisfied Mind

Last night, my friend Yilin (易霖) and I went to Xi Zhi (汐止), a suburb east of Taipei, to meet a friend. She is an American artist who is visiting Taipei to make her contribution to Taipei's "Dream Community," a group of artists whose mission it is to bring more of the arts into education in Taiwan. A wonderful, noble endeavor.

Taiwan is good at "producing", "discipline", "following the rules". Taiwan needs more "wild", "creative", "expression". Fortunately, the seeds are here, they just need nurturing.

Yilin and I met at the Kunyang MRT station, ate, and then took a bus to our destination, a small part of Xi Zhi called the Golden Dragon Village (金龍里). On the bus, we had time to catch up. Yilin's a teacher and quite busy these days as his middle school students take their big high school qualifying exams. And I tell him of my life, settling into my life on the mountain, studying Chinese. Finally, we get to the Golden Dragon and the Dream Community.

Yilin is impressed by what he sees, and we are looking forward to meeting some of the community. I manage to find out where my friend is staying, and we arrive at her apartment. Her French roommate tells us that she is in her room taking a nap and that we should return in an hour. I think about waking her up, but something tells me to let her rest and I just can't bear the thought of waking her up. So, I write a note and slide it under her door and we leave, deciding to find her in an hour.

In the meantime, we walk around and talk to folks we meet in the community. I step in some dogshit right in the middle of the street. "This is common in Taiwan," Yilin informs me. "You will have good luck!"

After sanitizing my shoes for a minute, we stroll over to a well-lit area (it's nighttime) full of large art projects. Some American guys are painting a large paper mache float (like, for a parade). I introduce myself and I can tell they are still wondering what I am doing here. I tell them that my friend has invited me, but that she's asleep.

One of them, tattooed and smoking a cigarette, tells me he's from San Francisco. The other invites us to paint with them. We tell them that we're going to take off and have a few beers while waiting for my friend.

"Bring us some chicks.. and some booze," one of them said. I feel like I'm right back in California.

I have never heard Taiwanese guys talk about chicks and booze. They are are mostly thinking about how to get their next promotion. It's a breath of fresh air.

Yilin and I walk over to the local 7-11 and buy some Taiwan beer and find a nice spot where we can talk and enjoy our fine beverages. It's a comfortable Taipei evening, on the cool side for most Taiwanese, just right for me. The sky's clear. We sit, drinking our beer and talk about whatever--our families, about getting older, life in Taiwan, life in the States--quoting classical sources and poetry if possible. In English, this is called "shooting the shit".

We return to the Dream Community, our brains pleasantly buzzed, and we discover that my friend still hasn't gotten up, apparently. Her apartment building is locked and it's starting to get late. The trip back will take over an hour. We smile at each other and decide to head back home.

This morning, she sends me an e-mail. She finally got up--this morning, after thirteen hours of sleep! I am so happy I didn't wake her up. What is more precious than sleep to a person who probably hasn't slept for days? What a nice gift I gave her, not knocking her door down to wake her.

Life is full of gifts. I am reminded of Johnny Cash's song, Satisfied Mind:
How many times have you heard someone say
"If I had his money, I could do things my way?"
Little they know that it's so hard to find
One rich man in ten with a satisfied mind.

Once I was winning in fortune and fame.

Everything that I dreamed for to get a start in life's game.

Suddenly it happened, I lost every dime.

But I'm richer by far with a satisfied mind.

Money can't buy back your youth when you're old.

Or a friend when you're lonely, or a love that's grown cold.

The wealthiest person is a pauper at times
Compared to the man with a satisfied mind.

When my life is ended, my time has run out,
My trials and my loved ones, I'll leave them no doubt.
But one thing's for certain, when it comes my time

I'll leave this old world with a satisfied mind.

Sitting there under the stars with a friend last night, having a couple of beers, I think to myself that there is nothing more precious.

I've got that satisfied mind.

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