Wednesday, October 18, 2006

In an Instant Be Free

Throughout the world, the leading instant coffee is Nescafe. This poem is about instant freedom. There are times when I have experienced this, when getting to the Holy Land doesn't require forty years in the desert. Hopefully, this kind of freedom, like Nescafe, can also become a bestseller.

Precious one,
You live in a house built by your own mind.
Sometimes it gives you hours of pleasure,
and sometimes it's a prison.

In one instant, you could escape.
Be free.

And all of your funny little dilemmas,
your bad karma, your stange preferences,
and your curses, too, would be gone.

Well, let's just say you would
be laughing pretty hard.

Don't forget this.
In an instant, your life can change.

Listen carefully to unseen clues,
trust like a child,
and don't give up.

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