Sunday, October 15, 2006

Adventure at the Taipei Zoo

I went to the Taipei Zoo a few weeks ago and am finally getting around to posting some photos from my visit. I usually get a little sad at zoos because I don't like to see the animals in captivation. It is bad enough to see what humans beings do to other human beings everyday in the news. Why do we have to involve the animals?

Here are three primates, I think they are macaques. I like the way they groom each other and eat the fleas off of each others' backs. I think if humanity copied this behavior, there would be peace on earth.

They look pretty bored of us humans gawking at them. In sign language, I think one of them is saying, "please get me an Xbox."

Upon entering the zoo, we were all graced with the sight of these flamingoes. I think you can rent them for birthday parties, but they count them before they rent them out and require that they all be returned back to the zoo.

I would rent a van to do this, because I don't think they can all fit in a small Toyota, and I think the MRT has a sign that says, "No chewing gum or betel nut, eating or drinking, and no goddamn flamingoes!"

Here are the zebras. I sometimes wonder why they have stripes, I mean evolutionarily speaking. I think they would be more easily spotted by tigers. So, my only conclusion is, simply, that it makes them look sexier.

Speaking of sexy, here are my sexy friends. My two Japanese friends Hikari and Yumika on the sides were not scared, because I think a long time ago, Japanese people ate most of the animals in the zoo for breakfast, along with a little soy sauce and wasabi.

Yumika's friend in the center was afraid of most every animal. I scared her a few times, so I think she probably doesn't want to go to the zoo with me again because of that. I am sorry. I won't do it again. I promise.

Unless we are in the giftshop again and there is a rubber snake on the shelf and you are right next to me.

It's only rubber, come on!

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