Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Dalai Lama Smokes Camels

I say to you, you are absolutely free, unconditionally free. Don't avoid the responsibility; avoiding it is not going to help. The sooner you accept it the better, because immediately you can start creating yourself. And the moment you create yourself, great joy arises, and when you have completed yourself, the way you wanted to, there is immense contentment, just as when the painter finishes his painting, the last touch, and a great contentment arises in his heart.

Love, Freedom, Aloneness

I am relaxing on the mountain. It is approaching dusk. There is always magic when the day transforms, or when the land does, like when you are backpacking in Yosemite.

My first quarter of Chinese is finished! So, I get a ten day break. During this time, I will not do three hours of Chinese homework a day. I will not memorize any characters. I will not carry flashcards. Life has its cycles, and am I glad that I have just entered a "resting" one.

I think all of life's answers can be found when we rest. Actually, perhaps there are no answers! Perhaps the questions disappear.

I know that in the area of health, most of people's problems develop because they simply don't stop. They work jobs they don't like, maintain relationships that are toxic, and use alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and drugs to keep themselves afloat. There are no elegant answers. The elegant answer is to rest.

When we relax, we can see the answers that are right in front of us. There are clues all around, if we keep our eyes open.

A while back, I bumped into my two closest friends within a day of hearing from them, in totally unexpected places. Then, the other day, I bump into another friend of mine. This is in the Taipei MRT (subway), and not on campus. I keep bumping into another friend, on buses and other places.

What is the message? Can we listen to the messages that reality has for us? Or are we like little children, putting our fingers in our ears and yelling "laaaa-laaa-laaaa-laaa-laaaaa!" at the top of our lungs?

Despite knowing this, I am guilty of too much running around. Yes, I admit it. I have a dream, and until win the lottery, I'll need to work hard to achieve these lofty goals of mine. Maybe the Dalai Lama has the same problem as you and me. Maybe he takes cigarette breaks with his assistants after talks on World Peace.

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