Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Kitchen in Shanghai

Tonight, I did something amazing. I cooked dinner. I know, I know. You are saying, cooking your own dinner, what's the big deal?

Oh, maybe because it's because I'm a guy, right? No, wrong!

It's just that I haven't had my own kitchen in the past three years. And now, living in the French Concession in Shanghai in my own apartment, I do!

I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to go to the grocery store and buy ginger, garlic, a bottle of tea oil, fresh vegetables, some meat... and then to come home and start preparing dinner. I get out my cutting board and chop garlic while the water is boiling. The pot, it's shiny and new, and almost in slow motion, I throw in the garlic and ginger, adding some soy sauce and tea oil. At the appropriate time, I throw in the mushrooms, and then later the greens, with the thinly sliced beef.

I know, I know, you are getting hungry just reading this!

And voila, dinner is ready. I even bought a small table for my kitchen so I can eat like a mensch (that's Yiddish for a real human being).

After dinner, I clean up. Rinse the cutting board and wash my bowl, my spoon, chopsticks. The countertop is littered with garlic skin, and so I grab a sponge a wash it all clean. All my dishes are drying on my new metal dish rack (from IKEA, of course).

I check my email, and when I return to the kitchen to get a drink, I stop and look with pride at my kitchen in Shanghai.

These are the simple pleasures of life.


Anonymous said...

Oh, so that is how mensche is translated. 就是做人!

st3ady said...

im hungry now!