Thursday, October 16, 2008

Writing What I See in China

Because of the Olympics, Chinese people can now read my blog (Blogspot is not censored for the time being). A Chinese woman reads my blog and writes me a long letter about how I don't understand China, how I don't like China, how I like Taiwan too much, etc. She says that there are other countries to criticize, why criticize China?

Well, my dear friend, I live in China right now. I write what I see. The old guy at the Xierqi subway station who pops popcorn in a kettle over a fire. The guy in Shanghai trying to cheat me. People spitting. All the beautiful Chinese kids. Old guys transporting goldfish on the back of their bikes.

You can leave the censorship to your government, protecting you from, well, whatever it is they are trying to protect you from. As for me, I'll continue writing what I see in China.

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