Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Taiwanese Buddhists at the Airport

I arrive at the San Francisco Airport about to embark on my journey to China. For the past six weeks, I have been working, saving up some extra money for my trip, connecting with my family on both coasts, talking lots of English, and eating as much Middle Eastern food as possible. I almost can't believe it. The time has come to get on a plane to China.

The line at United check-in is long, mostly Chinese people. I assume they are all going to Shanghai like me. But in front of me is a group of people and they're all speaking Chinese with a Taiwanese accent (then they speak Taiwanese). It feels comfortable, reminds me of my time in Taiwan. So, I start talking to them.

They are from Banqiao, a suburb of Taipei which I have been to several times, and they are going home. They are disciples of the Chinese Zen master Sheng Yen and have come to the States to teach meditation for a few weeks to stressed-out American Buddhists (or perhaps Taiwanese/Chinese American Buddhists).

I tell them that I studied at National Cheng Chi University for the past year, and of course they are very warm. Of course, I tell them I miss Taiwan and all my friends there.

It's a good way to start my trip. More good yuan fen.

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