Sunday, April 08, 2007

Signs of Life

I am meeting a friend at the Shilin MRT. It's almost noon on a Saturday, and the masses of Taipei are mobilizing for weekend fun. Maybe a gathering for a lunch or a trip to Yangmingshan. Everyone's been on holiday since Thursday, which is the beginning of the Tomb Sweeping Holiday, and so I think people are more relaxed than usual.

我星期六坐捷運到士林,在那裡跟朋友有約.快中午,人已經很多,他們都想去出玩,可能想跟朋友去吃飯, 可能想去陽明山爬山.大家都已經從星期四放假,因為是清明節,所以我覺得台北人都蠻悠閒.

When I arrive at Shilin, I walk out of the train car and as I approach the stairs, I turn my head and see a little girl. She's maybe a year and a half, and she is running on the platform. It's a little worrisome, as I don't think it' a good idea for toddlers to be running in a place where they could fall and get themselves killed. But then I see her mother behind her, and they are both smiling. Actually, the little girl is giggling.


Then, I see the giggling girl spread her arms wide open as she runs up to another adult. That is a special moment, and to me it represents pure life, the kind that we adults usually stay away from because we are too busy, or are too in a rush to feel, or sometimes we try to duplicate it, but we do a bad job of it. Sometimes, though, there's grace, and a burst of wonder does sneak up on us when we are least expecting it.


I understand the scene. The girl's giggles are giggles of anticipation. She must have just gotten out of the train and seen another adult she knows well.


As I walk down the stairs, I actually think this little girl is very lucky. If her mother allows her to run toward her heart's desire on a train platform when she is just a little girl, imagine what other beautiful things she'll run to in this life, even when danger's just a misstep away.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Roni,

You really has keen obersvation of daily happenings!

I happened to find an interesting piece of translation from the inspiring jottings:

"I don't think it's a good idea for toddlers to be running in a place where they could fall and get themselves killed.

I would suggest you said, "我有一點擔心她,因為我覺得很危險,有可能她會因此而死掉(more colloquial)/喪生(more formal)."

If you say 她會被殺, that implies she is going to be killed by someone but I think you meant she would die because of her carelessness.

Your Chinese is good enough and I believe soon you won't be jealous of those who can speak good Chinese.
